Goodwall is a huge community of professionals and students designed to help you make new friends and connections based on shared interests. This way, you can open new doors and get to know thousands of people who work in the same field as you. Find amazing job offers and discover new talent by combing through tons of high-quality profiles.
The first thing you have to do after downloading Goodwall is create your profile. Select your interests and company so other users can learn more about you. After that, you'll receive notifications based on your interests.
With Goodwall, you can discover new ideas to improve your productivity and quality of work. You can also participate in discussions with other users on specific subjects. This app is designed to foster community and encourage connection among like-minded professionals, so you can get the help you need when you need it.
On Goodwall, you can list your skills and languages, among other things. Thanks to this information, you can easily learn more about a person simply by visiting their profile. The app also has a section for job offers, scholarships, and internships where you can send your CV. Give your career a boost, finding your way with like-minded professionals and benefiting from this community that's thousands of people strong.